中文翻译与英英解释 | 〔美俚〕机械工人〔尤指汽车或飞机的检修工〕。
| | | grease: n. 1.(炼出的)动物脂,油脂;【机械工程】脂膏,滑脂 ... | | monkey: n. 1.猴子;猿〔cf. ape〕;长毛猴的毛皮。 2 ... | |
| someone whose occupation is repairing and maintaining automobiles 同义词:automobile mechanic, auto-mechanic, car-mechanic, mechanic,
Grease Monkey is a comic book created by Tim Eldred. There were two issues published in color by Kitchen Sink Press in 1996, then Image Comics reprinted the first four stories in black and white in 1998. |
例句与用法 | 1. | We ' re sweating like greased monkeys . i can ' t hold on to a ball 我们汗流浃背,拿不住球了
| | 2. | And now i ' m a grease monkey 现在我活像只油猴子
| | 3. | The grease monkey was all dirty when he came out from under the car 那位汽车修理工从汽车底下出来时,全身都弄脏了。
| | 4. | He ’ s a grease monkey 他是个修理技工。
| | 5. | Ll : right , but i doubt it will be ready . every time a grease monkey tells my car will be ready , he ' s wrong 你不相信那修车的人?为什么每次他们说的时间都是错的?
| | 6. | Now they ' ve come up with grease monkey , a technology that automatically scraps every single ad from a web page before it is even loaded 现在在它甚至被装载之前,他们已经提出修理工,自动地扔弃来自一个网页的每个独身者广告的一种技术。
| | 7. | Mount fushan new area : with the total area of 4 skm and 78 hectares of usable land for commercial use , it has now attracted shimao group and grease monkey from usa , it is to be built into an urban complex with cultural and ecological features , integrating commerce , culture , tourism and entertainment , etc 浮山新区:占地面积约4平方公里,可规划商业用地面积约78公顷,已吸引世茂集团、美国油猴等知名企业入驻,将建成具有人文品位和生态理念,涵盖商贸文化、旅游休闲的都市功能复合体。